4H Club Lamps

Each year we work with the 6th grade 4H clubs in the county. 
For several years they have been learning about electricity.
They use a multimeter to measure voltage and resistance and make circuts with batteries and motors.

Then they are ready to build their lamps.
They decorate lamp shades and the flowerpots that will serve as the base of the lamps.
Now all that is needed is for the kids to correctly and safely assemble the parts.
The wide blade on the plug is connected to the ribbbed wire which goes to the silvery metal screw on the base of the socket.
That way the socket is grounded where it should be.
They learn to tie an underwriters knot that is used to keep a pull on the cord from pulling the wires loose from the screws on the socket.

Here they are showing off the finished projects. 

Grayson Rural Electric Cooperative (our electric company) donates compact flourescent bulbs for the kids. Thanks!

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