Each October the emergency responders in the our county visit Lakeside, Isonville, and Sandy Hook elementary schools.

We tell them about what they can do to be fire safe and what to do if they see a fire.

We explain how we work together when there is an emergency.

When someone calls 911 and tells dispatch that there is:
A fire in the woods or a house
A vehicle that is blocking the road
Someone trapped in their car because of an accident
Or stuck in their house because of a flood
Someone who is so sick that they need to be taken to the hospital
An animal where it shouldn't be
A person who is lost in the woods, river or lake
A helicopter needed because of severe injury or illness
Or trees blocking the road after a wind or ice storm

There is a lot more than just putting fires out.
We each do our part to help.

Here firefighters were explaining the tools and equipment we use.

Sparky showed up to help us.

One of the search dogs was an even bigger hit.

At each of the schools the kids got to use a fire hose.
Although I only got pictures at Lakeside

The bunker gear we had for these kids to try on didn't quite fit.
Four kids in one coat.
They did have fun pretending to be firefighters, wearing our protective gear but several said it was too heavy.

We told then about the layers in our gear that protect from scrapes, heat, fire, and water.
The reflective stripes in our turnout gear make firefighters easier to see in smoke and the dark.
We use special coveralls for fighting wildfires and when we are getting people out of wrecked vehicles.
High visibility vests and flags are used when we control traffic at an accident scene or if the road is blocked by a fallen tree.

One of the classes lined up for a picture alongside our truck.

Some others showed off their fire gear for you to see.

Thanks to all the emergency responders who helped show the kids what firefighters have to be able to do.

Here are some of the units that we took to one or more of the schools.

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