Forestry Video

Gwenda Adkins and Marcella Szymanski have been developing a program to teach about the forest.  One part of it is a video in which a woman, played by Flo Whitley, is trying to decide what to do with a forested plot of land that has been in her family for generations.  She reminisces about her grandfather and his stories that he told her about when he was a child and his grandfather.   As she ponders what she should do she also thinks about what the forest will mean to her children and grandchildren.
Interior scenes set in the present day were shot at our house.  The pictures show some of the production.  Nancy is the narrator for the video (she didn't want to appear on camera).  The last shot is the cast and crew discussing, debating and revising everything about the script during a break in the shooting.


More shooting is planned showing the woman's childhood memories and also what resources are available to help her with her decisions about the forest.

Click Here to see posters that elementary students in the county did to show some aspects of the forest.  They have been turned into a booklet which is used to supplement the program.

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