Los Tuneles and Tintoreras in the Galapagos, Ecuador

Other pages from our visit to Ecuador: Cotapaxi, Flowers, Guayaquil, Isabela, Otovalo, Puerto Grande, Quito, San Cristobal, Santa Cruz, Sierra Negra

A Galapagos penguin, some sea lions, Blue Footed Boobies and more penguins on the rocks as we entered the Los Tuneles area.

Some of the many tunnels that give this area its name.

The crew testing the load bearing capability of one of the arches.

Large male Green Sea Turtles and a sea lion swimming past under us.

We got to do some snorkeling here as well.
Among the things we saw was a seahorse, much larger than I expected, about 1 ft, 30 cm long.

We found these white tip sharks resting on the bottom while we were there.
I had been told that sharks had to keep moving so that water would be flowing over their gills but these apparently hadn't heard that.

This video was to show you what swimming through the lava tube is like by alternately holding the camera under water and above.
It isn't entirely effective, a little problem with drops of water on the lens caused some distortion.
As I was coming out of one of the lava tunnels a shark was right ahead of me.
Others in our group said they knew I was still in the tunnel and had watched the shark turn toward it and were concerned for my welfare.
Fortunately it turned.
You can see them behind it.

These Blue Herons poised nicely.

Two different species of Galapagos Finches.
Note the different beak shapes, optimized for different food sources.
My identification is a Cactus Finch and a Medium Ground Finch.
If you have a more authoritative identification for these or others on my site I would appreciate hearing from you.  Email corrections.

At Tintoreras we got to meet some more Great Blue Herons

and Marine Iguanas.

Two more finches.
Tentatively a Small Ground Finch and a Medium Ground Finch.

Other pages from our visit to Ecuador: Cotapaxi, Flowers, Guayaquil, Isabela, Otovalo, Puerto Grande, Quito, San Cristobal, Santa Cruz, Sierra Negra

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