Otavalo, Ecuador

Other pages from our visit to Ecuador: Cotapaxi, Flowers, Guayaquil, Isabela, Los Tuneles, Puerto Grande, Quito, San Cristobal, Santa Cruz, Sierra Negra

Some views from around the monastery where we stayed.

We didn't recognize these fruits.

Priest's vestments were on display.

There was a garden that supplied some of the produce for the restaurant there.

Our room had a little fireplace which was nice since the evening was cool.
The mirror was decorated with tiny clay figures.

Mountains surround the town.

Now the market.
Hundreds of vendors and color everywhere.
Make sure you come on Saturday since most of the vendors are only there one day each week.
A one man band came past a couple of times.

Lots of booths had jewelery

The area is famous for its wool.

Pick the right colors and negotiate a good price.

And a variety of other items.

Ivory nut pod and some nuts.

Foods of all sorts

We had chicken soup for lunch.
Yes, that is a foot.

At lunch we were entertained by some local talent.

Some interesting people we met.

Other pages from our visit to Ecuador: Cotapaxi, Flowers, Guayaquil, Isabela, Los Tuneles, Puerto Grande, Quito, San Cristobal, Santa Cruz, Sierra Negra

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