Pigeon Forge Jeep Invasion
More Jeep adventures OOPS! Coddiomple Overland
We were a day early so took in some of the Pigeon Forge activities.
Up via the gondolas and most of us came down on the swings.

An interesting trail and views at the top of the mountain.

There was a Native American group who were demonstrating various crafts and dances on the mountain top.

We drove around the area including a few of the trails that the Jeeps will take.
The view from Clingmans Dome
The North Carolina-Tennessee border passes over the nearest hill left
of the center and winds it's way over the hills and valleys into the

And a stop at a rocky stream.

One of the overlooks.

That evening we wandered around The Island, billed as a family fun center and it looked like it would be just that.
There were amunsement park midway and rides, shops, resturaunts, and hotels.

The Island Mirror Maze wasn't open but I have heard that they are confusing/amussing and fun,
I would have liked to try it.

Dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe overrun with Jeeps.
Some apparently had a problem with parking.

They may have been confused by the structure across the way.

The next day we went to the actual Jeep Invasion.
The town had been filling up with jeeps of all sorts and descriptions, but here they were collected together.

The Invasion was a lot of fun.
People showing off their tricked out Jeeps, vendors hawking every imaginable accessory, and trail rides for those who had Jeeps.
More Jeep adventures
Coddiomple Overland
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