Overland Jeeping with Coddiwomple
Other Jeeping adventures OOPS! Jeep Invasion
We got started in overlanding with
our friends Bill and Debbie Reed a couple of years ago and the
adventures just keep getting more challenging.
Bill plans the trips and sets out with a few Jeepers that often includes us.
The trips are from several days to several weeks, camping along the way.
Upon return Bill puts together a video documenting the adventure and posts it.
I have collected (all??) of the ones we participated in If you want to take a look.
Be forewarned there are several hours of videos here so you may want to skip around.
We have both become amateur radio operators (Hams) which is handy on our overlanding trips and for fire department operations.
Nancy is KO4CJK and Alan is KO4CJL.
The first time out.
Kentucky Adventure Tour, Jelico to Livingston Part 1.
The rest of that trip.
This includes a water crossing that
was deep enough to come within a couple of inches of our air intake and
so is the reason we got a snorkel.
Kentucky Adventure Tour, Jelico to Livingston Part 2
More of the KAT
Kentucky Adventure Tour, Harold to Pound
About this time Covid had shut down safe travels even in the hills of Kentucky.
So Bill and Debbie came over to interview us about overlanding and and other of our adventures.
We were happy to share some stories and were a little surprised at what Bill was able to put together.
Interview with Alan and Nancy Kuehner
This is the first section of the Daniel Boone Backcountry Byway that Bill took us on.
It is described as moderately difficult and only for high clearance vehicles.
We now know why.
DBBB Mountain Springs & Old Fincastle
We made several visits to the Pisgah National Forest
Pisgah NF Max Patch and Rich Mtn Fire Tower
Some challenging trails
Spaas Creek and Pumpkin Hollow in the Daniel Boone National Forest
This collects the DBBB videos in one place so you can skip the others if you watch this one.
It does mention one particularly
steep drop into a creek that had us tipped down 20 degrees and off
camber to the side at the same time.
All 100 miles of the Daniel Boone Backcountry Byway
Now for a change of pace, a visit to the seashore and camping on the beach.
Cape Lookout National Seashore
And back on to the woodland trails.
Part one of another National Forest.
Nantahala and Chattahoochee National Forests
More of the KAT
Kentucky Adventure Tour, Jelico to Pound
And back to
Nantahala and Chattahoochee National Forest part 2
Part of the Smokey Mountain 1000 passes through the national forest
Nantahala & Chattahoochee National Forest's along the Smokey Mtn 1000
The Nemo Tunnel is an old abandoned railroad tunnel that is fun to go through.
The Nemo part has nothing to do with that little lost fish but it was wet in the tunnel.
Claustrophobia struck one of the others when we were in the tunnel but she handled it fairly well.
Nemo Tunnel and Catoosa WMA
We had only ever seen frozen fog in the Yellowstone Geyser Basin in January many years ago.
This was totally unexpected and very picturesque with frost feathers in every blade of grass, branch and weed.
If you have missed seeing this phenomenon make sure you view this video.
Frozen fog along the Smokey Mountain 1000
During nearly all the overland we see waterfalls but there were so many on this particular trip they deserved top billing.
Tellico Area Waterfalls
This video is mostly about Bill's
response to a snow and ice storm in our county but be assured we were
out in it as well just not taking videos.
Trees were down across roads all over
the county so none of our firefighters ventured out without taking a
chainsaw so that we could get to our destination and back.
The video has a little about when we were cutting our way through trees hanging on power lines and blocking the road.
We were trying to get out to set up a
warming station at the firehouse with power that people needed for
their oxygen generators.
One other memorable response was when an ambulance got stuck when trying to get to the hospital with a suspected stroke victim.
I was able to get to the ambulance
and the patient was put across my back seat so I could drive him and an
EMT to where he could be transfered to another ambulance.
Kentucky winter storm
This was a get together for Jeepers from all over the region, a good chance to swap stories and make new friends.
They offered a overlanding clinic and trail rides for anyone who wanted.
I found that our Jeep could climb a 36 degree hill with no real problem unlike the guy who was hung up on it when we arrived.
Smoky Mountain Overland Rally
The rest of these videos are from our trip to Colorado and Utah.
They aren't entirely in order so if you have been there it may be confusing, but for the rest it shouldn't be a problem.
Nancy drove the whole way including everything the passes for "roads" in these parts.
The road up Elephant Hill has switchbacks so sharp that you can't make the turns.
So you drive up the first segment then back up the next so you can drive up the third.
This first video from out west will give you a good idea about what she did.
Utah Colorado overlanding
Down into the basin was the toughest downhill we took on.
Lockhart Basin
Across the basin and out the other side.
Lockhart basin and Harrah pass
This was a supply road to Teluride in the 1800s
Last Dollar road
The trail follows the creek with many stream crossings.
Onion Creek trail
Probably named for the canyon rim the
it follows for much of its length but also an indication of what your
tire rims are subjected to.
Rimrocker trail
There may be other videos that I have overlooked but that should give you an idea about what we are doing for fun.
Bill has videos of other trips that we missed out on and the
instalation of modifications he has made to Jeeps (his, ours and
You can find them at: youtube.com/CoddiwompleOverland
As Bill says "Like, Share, Subscribe.
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