Kathmandu Continued
Our visit  included the three cities of India's Golden Triangle Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur.

In Nepal we enjoyed the city of Kathmandu, the village of Khokana, and a flight over Mount Everest.

and throughout the trip we enjoyed seeing the bright colors of saris the ladies wore.

The pictures on these pages are the result of the combined efforts of the photographers who agreed to share their pictures. 
Their contributions are very much appreciated since we each captured our own unique view of the trip.
My sincere thanks to Don Fischer, Dorota Kotowska, Patricia McCleaf, and Don Sledz.

Here are more scenes along the street, in markets, and shops.
We saw this youngster marching around and issuing commands to this cow (his regiment?)

Pots and pans

Packing goods to be sold in the shops.

Power mules.

Butcher, tailor, fabric, fruit and vegetable shops.

Pottery manufacturing.

Woodcarving, paper making and paper craft.

Nancy had just bought this flute and I had fun doing magic for the kids.

For the guys at the firehouse.

Tap this bowl four places around the rim an it will cure whatever ails you.
The analysis from the patient was that it was better than shock therapy.
Just how did he know?  Had he tried that too?

We saw signs offering classes wherever we went.

Bright colored powders were available for purchase.

Some of what we saw near or at Swayambunath, the Monkey Temple.

And of course the monkeys.

Sadhus  (yogis) who have given up  the first three Hindu goals of life:
kama (enjoyment), artha (practical objectives) and dharma (duty).
The sadhu is solely dedicated to achieving moksha (liberation) through meditation and contemplation.  
Some seem to also be dedicated to collecting money from tourists who want to take their picture.
I have no way of knowing whether these are real or just pretenders.

  People of the city of Kathmandu.

A strange sunset with the sun apparently below the horizon as seen during our flight back to India.

On the way home to the US we flew over Kabul at 35000 feet.

Go to our page about Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Kathmandu, KhokanaMount Everest, saris

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