Hotels and Friends
Other pages from our visit
to Panama:
Monkeys, Embara vilage, Flora, Fauna, Canal and lake, Modern Panama, Old Panama, Museum
Because the country was shutting down to control the rapid spread of
Covid-19 we spent more of our visit in hotels than we had planned.
We couldn't go the the beach ... they even declared the ocean closed..
One view from our boat ride on the canal.

Here are some pictures around it and the gardens
Elsewhere in the hotel

We were lucky to get these drinks before the Panamanian government shut
down all alcohol sales in the country because of Covid-19

A trail from the hotel through the rain forest.

On the aerial tram that was close to our hotel we another vantage point to see the country.

Views of the canal from the top.

Yep, we were there.

Companions coming down.

Masks and flags



This club room was closed.
Covid-19 again.

Nancy took advantage of the hammock on our balcony after walking on a trail through the rain forest.
Our tour mates

Other pages from our visit
to Panama:
Monkeys, Embara vilage, Flora, Fauna, Canal and lake, Modern Panama, Old Panama, Museum
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