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to Panama: Monkeys, Embara village, Flora, Fauna, Canal and lake, Old Panama, Museum, Hotels and friends Modern Panama city has some impressive buildings. The Tornado tower holds the world record as the twistiest building with a nearly 6 degree turn for each of it's 53 floors. The swooping curve on the BAC building is another eye catching architectural feature as is the prow on the hospital clinic. Lots of other modern buildings right down to the waterfront. The skyline as seen from the old city. Our tour took us to several places here they served excellent food and drink. Not one of the places we visited but Panama like most of the more than 70 countries we have visited has KFC. Artwork on the sidewalk outside one of the restaurants. Boats in the poorer section of town are left in the mud when the tide goes out.
We were treated to a show of some exciting dances by a Panamanian group.
Lots of fast stepping and quick costume changes. This video shows the energy that the dancers put into the performance.
Big finish.