Other web pages from our trip: Beijing, Xian, Three Gorges, Wuhan, Kids, China beverages, Fire Fighting
A couple of shots as we left the boat and drove through the city.

The old city gate.

It had interesting flowers growing from cracks between the stones.

We had the choice of the original unrestored stairs or less uneven ones to the left in this picture.

On top of the wall we were met by foot soldiers and calvary.

What appeared to be a Tai Chi class in the courtyard.

The generals would use this as their command center.

From there we could see some of the city across the river.
Next stop a museum displaying artifacts discovered in the area.

This entrance took us into a display of things that were found in tomb number 168, western Han Dynasty..
There was a double lacquered coffin sealed with hemp in a large (160 square ft, 14.6 square meter) multi room structure.
Figures of servants and a bronze mirror were two of the items on display.

Continuing into the museum.
An enameled root with animals carved in each of the legs.
It looks a bit like folk art you might find in Kentucky.

Cords tied into a pattern.
Its description didn't help to understand why it was made or what it was used for.

This silk cloth was accompanied by a
large diagram showing how differently colored threads were brought to
the surface to produce different colors.

Pots, a set of bells, and a model of a hand powered millstone.
This urinal is a little intimidating.
There was another later in the museum.
They must have been important.

A set of weights.and parts of a scale.

More bronze mirrors.

Chops and enlargements of their imprints.

Large and small crossbows and bolts for each.
The diagram shows how the small one works and how to aim to account for the bolt's trajectory.
Bronze swords for hand to hand combat.

A "stove" for carrying charcoal for warming a room.

An ornate incense burner.

Metal and stone vessels.

Artifacts from a much earlier time.
The painted stand is about 6000 years old, the stone tool is much older.

Ornamented clay pots, toys, and jade knives

Celadon glazed pot, stands, and the urinal I mentioned earlier made during second and third century CE.

Glazing contiued to improve as this large pot demonstrates.

Toys: a well, a cook stove, sheep and pig pens

Qing Dinasty (1636-1911 CE.) brought even more elaborate porcelain pots, plates, and vases made in kilns like in the diagram.
There was no explanation of this strange piece of art(?).

This was with a display of records of divination and prayers.
No explanation of what was predicted or requested or if it worked.

True Crimes recorded for those who wished to learn the law.

I didn't see an explanation of these figures but if I had to guess they would be yoga poses.

Visit these with us:
Beijing, Xian, Three Gorges, Wuhan, Kids, China beverages, Fire Fighting
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