Saint Thomas, US
Virgin Islands we decided to
take a
walk through the jungle to a beautiful bay and beach we had heard about.
Our open air ride to the trail head.

ride there
afforded this view of our ship in the harbor at St. Thomas

our first view of Magens Bay.
Our guide pointed out this termite
nest and trails they make up the trees to it.
Bryophytes are special plants.
They live on the trunks and branches
of other trees, bushes and occasionally on wires.
They are not parasites taking no
nourishment from their support.
Their leaves are arranged to funnel
rain for moisture.
Bugs and falling leaves provide
organic material and sunlight all the energy they need.
Other plants and trees along the way.
This fruit would keep you alive if
you had nothing else to eat.
However it tastes so bad you may wish
it wouldn't.
Lizards were all along the trail and
hermit crabs scurried about once we got to the lowlands near the bay.
ended our hike at
the bay we had seen from the start of the trail.
The coral sand was incredibly fine and we had the beach nearly to